A Practical Guide to Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace - Taxsutra Reservoir




A Practical Guide to Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace

by Mahabir Singh Kasana
Categories: Civil, Criminal & Labour Laws
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional India
About Book:
  • A guide for implementation of the Act the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) at Workplace Act with special emphasis on role and function of Complaints Committees elaborating procedure for conducting inquiry and report writing
  • Covers latest judgements in relevant chapters
  • The book will be helpful for effectively implementation of the legislative initiatives and legal provisions to make the workplace safe and secure for working women
Author: Mahabir Singh Kasana
About Author:
Mahabir Singh Kasana :

Shri Mahabir Singh Kasana holds a Master's Degrees in Science and Law and has been a Joint Director of Institute of Secretariat Training and Management, Department of Personnel and Training, Government of India. He is currently involved in legal practice, consultancy and training on various legal subjects including the POSH and Right to Information. He is on the panel of more than 15 Organizations as legal counsel. He originally belongs to the Armed Forces Headquarters (Civil Services) and has worked in the Government of India in various capacities for over 32 years. He is accredited as a master trainer by the training division of Department of Personnel and Training, Government of India, to train trainers and help public authorities for capacity building.

On Right to Information Act, Mr. Kasana has conducted numerous workshops for various stakeholders involved in implementation of the Act. He is regularly appearing before Central Information Commission and Hon'ble High Court of Delhi while representing various Public Authorities before these forums. He has authored another book on Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace.

Shri Kasana is frequently invited as a guest faculty by various training academies and institutes such as Lal Bahadur Shastry, National Academy of Administration (Mussoorie), SVP National Police Academy (Hyderabad), National Academy of Human Resource Development, Institute of Secretariat Training and Management, Ministry of Personnel, Government of India.

About Publisher:

Bloomsbury Professional India brings out quality content on tax, accounting and law for professionals in India. Bloomsbury Professional is part of Bloomsbury, a UK based company with offices in London, Oxford, New York, Sydney and New Delhi. The New Delhi based office of the publisher, have over the past few years of operations in India, brought out several market leading books and aims to be the first choice of professionals.

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Categories: Civil, Criminal & Labour Laws
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional India
About Book:
  • A guide for implementation of the Act the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) at Workplace Act with special emphasis on role and function of Complaints Committees elaborating procedure for conducting inquiry and report writing
  • Covers latest judgements in relevant chapters
  • The book will be helpful for effectively implementation of the legislative initiatives and legal provisions to make the workplace safe and secure for working women
Author: Mahabir Singh Kasana
About Author:
Mahabir Singh Kasana :

Shri Mahabir Singh Kasana holds a Master's Degrees in Science and Law and has been a Joint Director of Institute of Secretariat Training and Management, Department of Personnel and Training, Government of India. He is currently involved in legal practice, consultancy and training on various legal subjects including the POSH and Right to Information. He is on the panel of more than 15 Organizations as legal counsel. He originally belongs to the Armed Forces Headquarters (Civil Services) and has worked in the Government of India in various capacities for over 32 years. He is accredited as a master trainer by the training division of Department of Personnel and Training, Government of India, to train trainers and help public authorities for capacity building.

On Right to Information Act, Mr. Kasana has conducted numerous workshops for various stakeholders involved in implementation of the Act. He is regularly appearing before Central Information Commission and Hon'ble High Court of Delhi while representing various Public Authorities before these forums. He has authored another book on Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace.

Shri Kasana is frequently invited as a guest faculty by various training academies and institutes such as Lal Bahadur Shastry, National Academy of Administration (Mussoorie), SVP National Police Academy (Hyderabad), National Academy of Human Resource Development, Institute of Secretariat Training and Management, Ministry of Personnel, Government of India.

About Publisher:

Bloomsbury Professional India brings out quality content on tax, accounting and law for professionals in India. Bloomsbury Professional is part of Bloomsbury, a UK based company with offices in London, Oxford, New York, Sydney and New Delhi. The New Delhi based office of the publisher, have over the past few years of operations in India, brought out several market leading books and aims to be the first choice of professionals.

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