Company Law Procedures (5th Edition)
- Year of Publication: 2021
- Edition: 5th
- ISBN: 9789354353192
- No.of Pages: 1184
A Corporate Professional is required to equip himself with regard to corporate compliances on day- to-day basis. There are number of compliances which are required to be complied with depending on the event , whether it is incorporation / conversion / change , etc., not only from Company Law point of view but also from SEBI Regulations point of view (in case of a listed company).
To assist the professional in this endeavour, this book is yet another attempt to provide all related procedures at one place along with the resolutions to make it handy and easy to use. The Book has been divided into two parts.
Division-I contains Company Law Procedures of more than 115 events. Each procedure has been divided into following heads:
- Applicable Section of the Companies Act, 2013
- Applicable Company Rule
- Applicable Regulation in case of listed company – SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements ) Regulations, 2015
- Synopsis (giving background of the section of the Companies Act, 2013)
- Procedure (step by step, including various Government approvals and filing of Forms, etc.)
- Compliance by a listed company in accordance with SEBI (LODR ) Regulations, 2015
- Draft Board resolutions
- Draft General Meeting resolutions (Special/Ordinary resolution)
Division-II contains updated Company Rules as issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs from time to time and which are referred under various procedures of the Book.
Bloomsbury Professional India brings out quality content on tax, accounting and law for professionals in India. Bloomsbury Professional is part of Bloomsbury, a UK based company with offices in London, Oxford, New York, Sydney and New Delhi. The New Delhi based office of the publisher, have over the past few years of operations in India, brought out several market leading books and aims to be the first choice of professionals.
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- Year of Publication: 2021
- Edition: 5th
- ISBN: 9789354353192
- No.of Pages: 1184
A Corporate Professional is required to equip himself with regard to corporate compliances on day- to-day basis. There are number of compliances which are required to be complied with depending on the event , whether it is incorporation / conversion / change , etc., not only from Company Law point of view but also from SEBI Regulations point of view (in case of a listed company).
To assist the professional in this endeavour, this book is yet another attempt to provide all related procedures at one place along with the resolutions to make it handy and easy to use. The Book has been divided into two parts.
Division-I contains Company Law Procedures of more than 115 events. Each procedure has been divided into following heads:
- Applicable Section of the Companies Act, 2013
- Applicable Company Rule
- Applicable Regulation in case of listed company – SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements ) Regulations, 2015
- Synopsis (giving background of the section of the Companies Act, 2013)
- Procedure (step by step, including various Government approvals and filing of Forms, etc.)
- Compliance by a listed company in accordance with SEBI (LODR ) Regulations, 2015
- Draft Board resolutions
- Draft General Meeting resolutions (Special/Ordinary resolution)
Division-II contains updated Company Rules as issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs from time to time and which are referred under various procedures of the Book.
Bloomsbury Professional India brings out quality content on tax, accounting and law for professionals in India. Bloomsbury Professional is part of Bloomsbury, a UK based company with offices in London, Oxford, New York, Sydney and New Delhi. The New Delhi based office of the publisher, have over the past few years of operations in India, brought out several market leading books and aims to be the first choice of professionals.