Crimes Against Children in India
- Year of Publication: 2021
- ISBN: 9789390673957
Crimes against Children in India takes stock of the current context and aims to bring greater clarity to how children become victims and vulnerable to various crimes in the country. This book assesses the administration of the Juvenile Justice System in India and focuses on the fact that children have a right to respect for their evolving capacities. This right would redirect the criminal justice system towards a normative framework that is better equipped to accommodate the realities of childhood. Such a framework would contain a clear foregrounding of a child’s experiences and the reality of their daily lives and in which the child’s experience of powerlessness and vulnerability is embedded throughout. The subject has been discussed keeping in view UGC’s requirements with respect to a three-year law course, Five-year B.A., LL.B. integrated degree course and LL.M. The book also serves the needs of those who are preparing for various competitive examinations.
Thomson Reuters is one of the world’s most trusted providers of answers, helping professionals make confident decisions and run better businesses. Thomson Reuters, India, Legal is a part of this group and publishes legal content covering a spectrum of topics by leading experts and professionals in this domain. Newgen, a contracting affiliate of Thomson Reuters, India, Legal produces and promotes these publications on their behalf across South East Asia.
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- Year of Publication: 2021
- ISBN: 9789390673957
Crimes against Children in India takes stock of the current context and aims to bring greater clarity to how children become victims and vulnerable to various crimes in the country. This book assesses the administration of the Juvenile Justice System in India and focuses on the fact that children have a right to respect for their evolving capacities. This right would redirect the criminal justice system towards a normative framework that is better equipped to accommodate the realities of childhood. Such a framework would contain a clear foregrounding of a child’s experiences and the reality of their daily lives and in which the child’s experience of powerlessness and vulnerability is embedded throughout. The subject has been discussed keeping in view UGC’s requirements with respect to a three-year law course, Five-year B.A., LL.B. integrated degree course and LL.M. The book also serves the needs of those who are preparing for various competitive examinations.
Thomson Reuters is one of the world’s most trusted providers of answers, helping professionals make confident decisions and run better businesses. Thomson Reuters, India, Legal is a part of this group and publishes legal content covering a spectrum of topics by leading experts and professionals in this domain. Newgen, a contracting affiliate of Thomson Reuters, India, Legal produces and promotes these publications on their behalf across South East Asia.