Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas’s Treatise on Securities Law
- Year of Publication: 2021
- ISBN: 9789390529124
Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas’s Treatise on Securities Law is a comprehensive disquisition on the rapidly evolving and complex realm of securities regulation in India. The securities market is one of the key drivers of the economic engine, with significant potential to be unlocked in the coming years. This treatise aims to present an easy-to-comprehend guide to the diverse components of securities laws and transactions in India, spiced with the practical know-how that its editors bring to the table. Beginning with the evolution of regulation in the securities market in India, the treatise traverses basic concepts such as the history and role of regulatory bodies, the development of various security instruments and the functioning of primary and secondary markets, while also seeking to present a deeper insight into regulatory and economic considerations and practical aspects of the law. This treatise also analyses key legal provisions and relevant judicial pronouncements with a special focus on the developments in the securities regulation framework in India.
Thomson Reuters is one of the world’s most trusted providers of answers, helping professionals make confident decisions and run better businesses. Thomson Reuters, India, Legal is a part of this group and publishes legal content covering a spectrum of topics by leading experts and professionals in this domain. Newgen, a contracting affiliate of Thomson Reuters, India, Legal produces and promotes these publications on their behalf across South East Asia.
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- Year of Publication: 2021
- ISBN: 9789390529124
Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas’s Treatise on Securities Law is a comprehensive disquisition on the rapidly evolving and complex realm of securities regulation in India. The securities market is one of the key drivers of the economic engine, with significant potential to be unlocked in the coming years. This treatise aims to present an easy-to-comprehend guide to the diverse components of securities laws and transactions in India, spiced with the practical know-how that its editors bring to the table. Beginning with the evolution of regulation in the securities market in India, the treatise traverses basic concepts such as the history and role of regulatory bodies, the development of various security instruments and the functioning of primary and secondary markets, while also seeking to present a deeper insight into regulatory and economic considerations and practical aspects of the law. This treatise also analyses key legal provisions and relevant judicial pronouncements with a special focus on the developments in the securities regulation framework in India.
Thomson Reuters is one of the world’s most trusted providers of answers, helping professionals make confident decisions and run better businesses. Thomson Reuters, India, Legal is a part of this group and publishes legal content covering a spectrum of topics by leading experts and professionals in this domain. Newgen, a contracting affiliate of Thomson Reuters, India, Legal produces and promotes these publications on their behalf across South East Asia.