IFA - Contemporary Issues Deliberated At The IFA India APAC Virtual Event- June 2021
- Year of Publication: 2021
- ISBN: -
- No.of Pages: 163
The publication is a compilation of technical papers surrounding three distinct themes of the IFA 2021 Conference viz. i) “Demystifying International Tax Laws in the age of Covid-19 and Digitalization”, ii) Taxation of Digital Economy, and iii) Software Taxation. The topics covered in the publication are contemporary and will be of great relevance and interest to the readers. The papers are written by a pool of authors with diverse and extensive expertise, drawn from academia as well as practice, some of whom are acknowledged experts in the respective themes.
India Branch of IFA was established in 1983 with the efforts of Late Shri O.P. Vaish, senior advocate from New Delhi. The India branch presently has over 650 members.IFA India Branch includes as its members the Central Board of Direct Taxes and Authority for Advance Ruling.
IFA is engaged in the study of international tax laws and policy through scientific research, holding of congresses, publications of its cashiers and other materials and co-operation with other likeminded organizations. The recommendations of IFA Congresses are respected by Governments world over.
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- Year of Publication: 2021
- ISBN: -
- No.of Pages: 163
The publication is a compilation of technical papers surrounding three distinct themes of the IFA 2021 Conference viz. i) “Demystifying International Tax Laws in the age of Covid-19 and Digitalization”, ii) Taxation of Digital Economy, and iii) Software Taxation. The topics covered in the publication are contemporary and will be of great relevance and interest to the readers. The papers are written by a pool of authors with diverse and extensive expertise, drawn from academia as well as practice, some of whom are acknowledged experts in the respective themes.
India Branch of IFA was established in 1983 with the efforts of Late Shri O.P. Vaish, senior advocate from New Delhi. The India branch presently has over 650 members.IFA India Branch includes as its members the Central Board of Direct Taxes and Authority for Advance Ruling.
IFA is engaged in the study of international tax laws and policy through scientific research, holding of congresses, publications of its cashiers and other materials and co-operation with other likeminded organizations. The recommendations of IFA Congresses are respected by Governments world over.