Indian Penal Code,2 Volumes
- Year of Publication: 2018
- ISBN: 9789386374479
This book sub-divided into twenty three chapters, comprises five hundred and eleven sections. The code starts with an introduction, provides explanations and exceptions used in it, and covers a wide range of offence. Various sections of the Indian Penal Code are controversial. They are challenged in courts claiming as against Constitution of India. Also there is demand for abolition of some controversial IPC sections completely or partially.
Thomson Reuters is one of the world’s most trusted providers of answers, helping professionals make confident decisions and run better businesses. Thomson Reuters, India, Legal is a part of this group and publishes legal content covering a spectrum of topics by leading experts and professionals in this domain. Newgen, a contracting affiliate of Thomson Reuters, India, Legal produces and promotes these publications on their behalf across South East Asia.
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- Year of Publication: 2018
- ISBN: 9789386374479
This book sub-divided into twenty three chapters, comprises five hundred and eleven sections. The code starts with an introduction, provides explanations and exceptions used in it, and covers a wide range of offence. Various sections of the Indian Penal Code are controversial. They are challenged in courts claiming as against Constitution of India. Also there is demand for abolition of some controversial IPC sections completely or partially.
Thomson Reuters is one of the world’s most trusted providers of answers, helping professionals make confident decisions and run better businesses. Thomson Reuters, India, Legal is a part of this group and publishes legal content covering a spectrum of topics by leading experts and professionals in this domain. Newgen, a contracting affiliate of Thomson Reuters, India, Legal produces and promotes these publications on their behalf across South East Asia.