Law & Practice Relating to - Corporate Financing (Shares, Debentures and Deposits)
- Year of Publication: 2019
- Edition: 1st
- ISBN: 8906077412031
- No.of Pages: 722
Corporate finance is the area of finance dealing with the sources of funding (equity & debt financing) and the capital structure of corporations. The introductory chapter briefly explains the expressions “nominal or authorized capital”, “issued capital or paid up capital”, “shares “ in a company as share in the share capital, “debenture” as an instrument of debt. Towards the end of the book are the relevant Annexures, Notifications, Circulars and a list of case laws.
Chapter-1 deals with prospectus, deemed prospectus, self prospectus, red herring prospectus, matters to be stated in prospectus, terms of prospectus and variations in them misstatement in prospectus, public offer and issue of shares; Chapter- 2 deals with allotment of shares, process of allotment, listing conditions, private placement; Chapter- 3 deals with share capital, kinds of share capital, share certificates, issue of sweat equity shares, preference shares, bonus shares, etc.; Chapter- 4 deals with shareholders’ rights and obligations, their voting rights, calls, forfeiture, lien, shareholders agreement; Chapter- 5 deals with transfer and transmission of securities and registration thereof; Chapter- 6 deals with alteration of share capital, increase and cancellation of capital, consolidation of share, sub-division of shares., conversion of shares into stock and reconversion of stock into shares; Chapter- 7 deals with reduction of share capital; Chapter-8 deals with buy back shares; Chapter- 9 deals with debentures, issue of debentures, redemption of debentures, rights of debenture holders, conversion of debentures into stocks, debenture trust and Chapter- 10 deals with acceptance of deposits.
D. P. Mittal, B.Sc., BA (Economics), LL.B., is an advocate, tax and business law consultant. He has a long experience in administering tax laws as an officer of Indian Revenue Service and in advising investors and entrepreneurs on legal and tax aspects of investment in India as an advocate now and previously as a senior adviser in the Indian Investment Centre, New Delhi (a Government of India Organization). He has authored widely acclaimed books - Principles of Constitutional and Administrative Law; Interpretation of Statutes, Wills and Deeds; Law Dictionary; Principles of Business and Commercial Laws; Competition Law; Law relating to Limited Liability Partnership; Administrative Law; Arbitration Law; Law of Trademarks, Passing Off and Geographical Indications; Law of Patents; Information Technology Law; Law of Benami Transactions; Law relating to Formation of Companies; Law relating to Company Meetings and Resolutions; Law relating to Corporate Financing; Law relating to Investigation; Indian Double Taxation Agreements and Tax Laws in India; GAAR; Law of Transfer Pricing in India; Treatise on Direct Tax Code; Law of Sick Industries; Offences and Prosecution; and many more, besides more than two hundred research articles in various Journals and magazines.
B.C.Publications is the publishing arm of Book Corporation, a leading law book selling and publishing concern, more than 50 years old and serving the professional fraternity in India. Late Sri Kishan Gopal Maheshwari is the mastermind behind the set up of this publishing house. He believed - “Book is Knowledge, Knowledge is Power and a Book is Power House” for all the professionals. BC Publications publishes diverse range of publications in the area of taxation, company law, civil laws, industrial and labour law, etc. The publishing house is famous for giving opportunities to new and aspiring authors and provide them the opportunity to showcase their work to the professional community at large.
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- Year of Publication: 2019
- Edition: 1st
- ISBN: 8906077412031
- No.of Pages: 722
Corporate finance is the area of finance dealing with the sources of funding (equity & debt financing) and the capital structure of corporations. The introductory chapter briefly explains the expressions “nominal or authorized capital”, “issued capital or paid up capital”, “shares “ in a company as share in the share capital, “debenture” as an instrument of debt. Towards the end of the book are the relevant Annexures, Notifications, Circulars and a list of case laws.
Chapter-1 deals with prospectus, deemed prospectus, self prospectus, red herring prospectus, matters to be stated in prospectus, terms of prospectus and variations in them misstatement in prospectus, public offer and issue of shares; Chapter- 2 deals with allotment of shares, process of allotment, listing conditions, private placement; Chapter- 3 deals with share capital, kinds of share capital, share certificates, issue of sweat equity shares, preference shares, bonus shares, etc.; Chapter- 4 deals with shareholders’ rights and obligations, their voting rights, calls, forfeiture, lien, shareholders agreement; Chapter- 5 deals with transfer and transmission of securities and registration thereof; Chapter- 6 deals with alteration of share capital, increase and cancellation of capital, consolidation of share, sub-division of shares., conversion of shares into stock and reconversion of stock into shares; Chapter- 7 deals with reduction of share capital; Chapter-8 deals with buy back shares; Chapter- 9 deals with debentures, issue of debentures, redemption of debentures, rights of debenture holders, conversion of debentures into stocks, debenture trust and Chapter- 10 deals with acceptance of deposits.
D. P. Mittal, B.Sc., BA (Economics), LL.B., is an advocate, tax and business law consultant. He has a long experience in administering tax laws as an officer of Indian Revenue Service and in advising investors and entrepreneurs on legal and tax aspects of investment in India as an advocate now and previously as a senior adviser in the Indian Investment Centre, New Delhi (a Government of India Organization). He has authored widely acclaimed books - Principles of Constitutional and Administrative Law; Interpretation of Statutes, Wills and Deeds; Law Dictionary; Principles of Business and Commercial Laws; Competition Law; Law relating to Limited Liability Partnership; Administrative Law; Arbitration Law; Law of Trademarks, Passing Off and Geographical Indications; Law of Patents; Information Technology Law; Law of Benami Transactions; Law relating to Formation of Companies; Law relating to Company Meetings and Resolutions; Law relating to Corporate Financing; Law relating to Investigation; Indian Double Taxation Agreements and Tax Laws in India; GAAR; Law of Transfer Pricing in India; Treatise on Direct Tax Code; Law of Sick Industries; Offences and Prosecution; and many more, besides more than two hundred research articles in various Journals and magazines.
B.C.Publications is the publishing arm of Book Corporation, a leading law book selling and publishing concern, more than 50 years old and serving the professional fraternity in India. Late Sri Kishan Gopal Maheshwari is the mastermind behind the set up of this publishing house. He believed - “Book is Knowledge, Knowledge is Power and a Book is Power House” for all the professionals. BC Publications publishes diverse range of publications in the area of taxation, company law, civil laws, industrial and labour law, etc. The publishing house is famous for giving opportunities to new and aspiring authors and provide them the opportunity to showcase their work to the professional community at large.