Limitation for Suits [writs, Appeal And Revision]
- Year of Publication: 2017
- Edition: 1st
- ISBN: 8906077411041
- No.of Pages: 476
The book "Limitation of Suits' is aimed at deciphering the Limitation angle for suits. Spread across 9 chapters, the book discusses various limitation aspects viz. bar of limitation, expiry of limitation period, extension of prescribed period of limitation, computation of limitation period, so on and so forth. The book also provides with model forms for application for condonation of delay
Dr. S.K. Awasthi, an Advocate by profession holds a host of awards of Govt. of India, Ministry of Law, Justice and Company Affairs, Ministry of Food and Consumer Affairs, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Hoe Ministry, Ministry of Steel and Ministry of Health Welfare
B.C.Publications is the publishing arm of Book Corporation, a leading law book selling and publishing concern, more than 50 years old and serving the professional fraternity in India. Late Sri Kishan Gopal Maheshwari is the mastermind behind the set up of this publishing house. He believed - “Book is Knowledge, Knowledge is Power and a Book is Power House” for all the professionals. BC Publications publishes diverse range of publications in the area of taxation, company law, civil laws, industrial and labour law, etc. The publishing house is famous for giving opportunities to new and aspiring authors and provide them the opportunity to showcase their work to the professional community at large.
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- Year of Publication: 2017
- Edition: 1st
- ISBN: 8906077411041
- No.of Pages: 476
The book "Limitation of Suits' is aimed at deciphering the Limitation angle for suits. Spread across 9 chapters, the book discusses various limitation aspects viz. bar of limitation, expiry of limitation period, extension of prescribed period of limitation, computation of limitation period, so on and so forth. The book also provides with model forms for application for condonation of delay
Dr. S.K. Awasthi, an Advocate by profession holds a host of awards of Govt. of India, Ministry of Law, Justice and Company Affairs, Ministry of Food and Consumer Affairs, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Hoe Ministry, Ministry of Steel and Ministry of Health Welfare
B.C.Publications is the publishing arm of Book Corporation, a leading law book selling and publishing concern, more than 50 years old and serving the professional fraternity in India. Late Sri Kishan Gopal Maheshwari is the mastermind behind the set up of this publishing house. He believed - “Book is Knowledge, Knowledge is Power and a Book is Power House” for all the professionals. BC Publications publishes diverse range of publications in the area of taxation, company law, civil laws, industrial and labour law, etc. The publishing house is famous for giving opportunities to new and aspiring authors and provide them the opportunity to showcase their work to the professional community at large.