- Year of Publication: 2021
- ISBN: 0
Episode Duration:
80 minutes
Episode Background:
India has a long history of commercial coal mining covering nearly 220 years starting from 1774 by M/s Sumner and Heatly of East India Company in the Raniganj Coalfield along the Western bank of river Damodar. Commercial coal mining in modern times has witnessed demands for domestic consumption as well as in various industries, which thereby resulted in the Central Govt. nationalizing the private coal mines. Particularly w.r.t GST, coal mining and consumption too had to face the taxation intricacies, viz. in case of Jeevaka Industries Private Limited [TS(DB)-GST-AAR(TEL)-2021-410] ;Madhya Pradesh Power Generating Company Limited [TS(DB)-GST-AAR(MP)-2019-183] etc.
As the government strives to develop the law in order to make it litigation-free, it becomes necessary for a professional to stay updated and aligned with all the changes occurring in the GST world. To cope up with these unending changes can be difficult, but as a well-known adage goes “any change even the change for the better is accompanied by discomfort” and the only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it and join the dance...!
What shall the episode cover?
Keeping this in mind, Taxsutra Atoll brings back to you its monthly refresher course with Mr. Rajat Mohan (Senior Partner, AMRG and Associates), who has thrown light upon the latest happenings in the GST world. Through this course, Mr. Rajat Mohan shall brief us with the latest GST notifications and their implications on various industries, updates on council meetings and much more...!
Key Highlights
- Important GST notifications/ circulars, with industry impact;
- Few important GST case laws;
- Important GSTN level changes;
- Update on GST council meeting;
- Recent GST news updates;
- Discussion on fact-based issues;
- Interactive question and answer session
Taxsutra is considered the most credible source of tax news in the tax fraternity. What started as a fledgling start-up has now become a leading brand in the tax world not only in India, but across the globe. Taxsutra's diverse customer set includes Fortune 500 Companies, large Indian Business Groups, Global Conglomerates, Tax Judges, IRS Officers, CBDT, Tax Lawyers & thousands of tax practitioners.
Taxsutra suite of portals :
1. Real time tax news & analysis for Corporate Tax (www.taxsutra.com/dt)
2. Transfer Pricing Portal (www.taxsutra.com/tp)
3. GST and Central Indirect Taxes Portals (www.taxsutra.com/gst - www.idt.taxsutra.com)
4. "Taxsutra Database" - Powerful Online Direct Tax Reference and Search Tool (www.database.taxsutra.com)
5. LawStreetIndia (LSI) (www.lawstreetindia.com) contains sub-modules on Company law, Securities law (SEBI/SAT), FEMA, IP laws & Competition Law
6. Taxsutra Accounting Standards portal (Ind-AS) (www.greentick.taxsutra.com)
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Ratings and Reviews
Overall Rating
- Year of Publication: 2021
- ISBN: 0
Episode Duration:
80 minutes
Episode Background:
India has a long history of commercial coal mining covering nearly 220 years starting from 1774 by M/s Sumner and Heatly of East India Company in the Raniganj Coalfield along the Western bank of river Damodar. Commercial coal mining in modern times has witnessed demands for domestic consumption as well as in various industries, which thereby resulted in the Central Govt. nationalizing the private coal mines. Particularly w.r.t GST, coal mining and consumption too had to face the taxation intricacies, viz. in case of Jeevaka Industries Private Limited [TS(DB)-GST-AAR(TEL)-2021-410] ;Madhya Pradesh Power Generating Company Limited [TS(DB)-GST-AAR(MP)-2019-183] etc.
As the government strives to develop the law in order to make it litigation-free, it becomes necessary for a professional to stay updated and aligned with all the changes occurring in the GST world. To cope up with these unending changes can be difficult, but as a well-known adage goes “any change even the change for the better is accompanied by discomfort” and the only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it and join the dance...!
What shall the episode cover?
Keeping this in mind, Taxsutra Atoll brings back to you its monthly refresher course with Mr. Rajat Mohan (Senior Partner, AMRG and Associates), who has thrown light upon the latest happenings in the GST world. Through this course, Mr. Rajat Mohan shall brief us with the latest GST notifications and their implications on various industries, updates on council meetings and much more...!
Key Highlights
- Important GST notifications/ circulars, with industry impact;
- Few important GST case laws;
- Important GSTN level changes;
- Update on GST council meeting;
- Recent GST news updates;
- Discussion on fact-based issues;
- Interactive question and answer session
Taxsutra is considered the most credible source of tax news in the tax fraternity. What started as a fledgling start-up has now become a leading brand in the tax world not only in India, but across the globe. Taxsutra's diverse customer set includes Fortune 500 Companies, large Indian Business Groups, Global Conglomerates, Tax Judges, IRS Officers, CBDT, Tax Lawyers & thousands of tax practitioners.
Taxsutra suite of portals :
1. Real time tax news & analysis for Corporate Tax (www.taxsutra.com/dt)
2. Transfer Pricing Portal (www.taxsutra.com/tp)
3. GST and Central Indirect Taxes Portals (www.taxsutra.com/gst - www.idt.taxsutra.com)
4. "Taxsutra Database" - Powerful Online Direct Tax Reference and Search Tool (www.database.taxsutra.com)
5. LawStreetIndia (LSI) (www.lawstreetindia.com) contains sub-modules on Company law, Securities law (SEBI/SAT), FEMA, IP laws & Competition Law
6. Taxsutra Accounting Standards portal (Ind-AS) (www.greentick.taxsutra.com)