- Year of Publication: 2022
- ISBN: 0
Episode Duration:
75 minutes
Episode Background:
Over the years, Related Party Transactions (RPT) have become a key focus area for the board of directors, not only from a tax perspective but also to improve corporate governance. The frequency at which media reports have been published recently on instances of non-compliances or defaults with respect to RPT approval and disclosures has certainly rung an alarm to many listed entities in India. The regulator, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), has also been very strict in imposing financial penalties and issuing stern warnings to the defaulters.
In this backdrop, SEBI has made significant amendments to the existing SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (LODR Regulations). The aim is to strengthen the regulatory norms, address key corporate governance issues, disclosure processes, etc., with respect to the RPTs undertaken by listed entities in India. The amendments were mostly as per the recommendations of the SEBI Working Group (WG). These amendments shall be applicable in a phased manner, with major amendments coming into effect from 1 April 2022 and some of the amendments with effect from 1 April 2023.
What shall the episode cover?
Against this backdrop, Taxsutra in association with Nexdigm is delighted to present to you a riveting panel discussion on “SEBI LODR Regulation and its Impact on Related Party Transactions”. The esteemed panellists - Mr. Sameet Gambhir (Vice President (Corp. Law) & Company Secretary, DCM Shriram Ltd.), Mr. Jaykumar Shah (CFO, HDB Financial Services) & Mr. A.K. Viswanathan (Managing Director, Tax, Nexdigm) have provided their incisive views on the subject. The panel has been moderated by Mr. Maulik Doshi (Deputy Managing Director - Transfer Pricing and International Tax, Nexdigm).
Key Highlights
- Why SEBI LODR was amended?
- Who would be regarded as a “related party”?
- What are the covered RPTs?
- Enhanced role of Audit Committee Members.
- New norms for Disclosure and Documentation of RPTs.
- Next steps
Taxsutra is considered the most credible source of tax news in the tax fraternity. What started as a fledgling start-up has now become a leading brand in the tax world not only in India, but across the globe. Taxsutra's diverse customer set includes Fortune 500 Companies, large Indian Business Groups, Global Conglomerates, Tax Judges, IRS Officers, CBDT, Tax Lawyers & thousands of tax practitioners.
Taxsutra suite of portals :
1. Real time tax news & analysis for Corporate Tax (www.taxsutra.com/dt)
2. Transfer Pricing Portal (www.taxsutra.com/tp)
3. GST and Central Indirect Taxes Portals (www.taxsutra.com/gst - www.idt.taxsutra.com)
4. "Taxsutra Database" - Powerful Online Direct Tax Reference and Search Tool (www.database.taxsutra.com)
5. LawStreetIndia (LSI) (www.lawstreetindia.com) contains sub-modules on Company law, Securities law (SEBI/SAT), FEMA, IP laws & Competition Law
6. Taxsutra Accounting Standards portal (Ind-AS) (www.greentick.taxsutra.com)
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Overall Rating
- Year of Publication: 2022
- ISBN: 0
Episode Duration:
75 minutes
Episode Background:
Over the years, Related Party Transactions (RPT) have become a key focus area for the board of directors, not only from a tax perspective but also to improve corporate governance. The frequency at which media reports have been published recently on instances of non-compliances or defaults with respect to RPT approval and disclosures has certainly rung an alarm to many listed entities in India. The regulator, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), has also been very strict in imposing financial penalties and issuing stern warnings to the defaulters.
In this backdrop, SEBI has made significant amendments to the existing SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (LODR Regulations). The aim is to strengthen the regulatory norms, address key corporate governance issues, disclosure processes, etc., with respect to the RPTs undertaken by listed entities in India. The amendments were mostly as per the recommendations of the SEBI Working Group (WG). These amendments shall be applicable in a phased manner, with major amendments coming into effect from 1 April 2022 and some of the amendments with effect from 1 April 2023.
What shall the episode cover?
Against this backdrop, Taxsutra in association with Nexdigm is delighted to present to you a riveting panel discussion on “SEBI LODR Regulation and its Impact on Related Party Transactions”. The esteemed panellists - Mr. Sameet Gambhir (Vice President (Corp. Law) & Company Secretary, DCM Shriram Ltd.), Mr. Jaykumar Shah (CFO, HDB Financial Services) & Mr. A.K. Viswanathan (Managing Director, Tax, Nexdigm) have provided their incisive views on the subject. The panel has been moderated by Mr. Maulik Doshi (Deputy Managing Director - Transfer Pricing and International Tax, Nexdigm).
Key Highlights
- Why SEBI LODR was amended?
- Who would be regarded as a “related party”?
- What are the covered RPTs?
- Enhanced role of Audit Committee Members.
- New norms for Disclosure and Documentation of RPTs.
- Next steps
Taxsutra is considered the most credible source of tax news in the tax fraternity. What started as a fledgling start-up has now become a leading brand in the tax world not only in India, but across the globe. Taxsutra's diverse customer set includes Fortune 500 Companies, large Indian Business Groups, Global Conglomerates, Tax Judges, IRS Officers, CBDT, Tax Lawyers & thousands of tax practitioners.
Taxsutra suite of portals :
1. Real time tax news & analysis for Corporate Tax (www.taxsutra.com/dt)
2. Transfer Pricing Portal (www.taxsutra.com/tp)
3. GST and Central Indirect Taxes Portals (www.taxsutra.com/gst - www.idt.taxsutra.com)
4. "Taxsutra Database" - Powerful Online Direct Tax Reference and Search Tool (www.database.taxsutra.com)
5. LawStreetIndia (LSI) (www.lawstreetindia.com) contains sub-modules on Company law, Securities law (SEBI/SAT), FEMA, IP laws & Competition Law
6. Taxsutra Accounting Standards portal (Ind-AS) (www.greentick.taxsutra.com)