Supreme Court on Specific Relief Act (Cases and Materials)
- Year of Publication: 2022
- ISBN: 9789393702029
There is a shortage of books which lay emphasis on case law on the subject of law relating to Specific Relief. Supreme Court on Specific Relief Act (Cases and Materials) seeks to redress that lacuna. The emphasis is on judgments of the Hon’ble Supreme Court. An attempt has been made to cull out the ratio decidendi of each judgment, setting out brief facts and setting out from the judgment the steps till the Hon’ble High Court, the submissions before the Hon’ble Supreme Court and the findings thereon. The book will be useful not only to the bar but also to the bench.
Thomson Reuters is one of the world’s most trusted providers of answers, helping professionals make confident decisions and run better businesses. Thomson Reuters, India, Legal is a part of this group and publishes legal content covering a spectrum of topics by leading experts and professionals in this domain. Newgen, a contracting affiliate of Thomson Reuters, India, Legal produces and promotes these publications on their behalf across South East Asia.
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- Year of Publication: 2022
- ISBN: 9789393702029
There is a shortage of books which lay emphasis on case law on the subject of law relating to Specific Relief. Supreme Court on Specific Relief Act (Cases and Materials) seeks to redress that lacuna. The emphasis is on judgments of the Hon’ble Supreme Court. An attempt has been made to cull out the ratio decidendi of each judgment, setting out brief facts and setting out from the judgment the steps till the Hon’ble High Court, the submissions before the Hon’ble Supreme Court and the findings thereon. The book will be useful not only to the bar but also to the bench.
Thomson Reuters is one of the world’s most trusted providers of answers, helping professionals make confident decisions and run better businesses. Thomson Reuters, India, Legal is a part of this group and publishes legal content covering a spectrum of topics by leading experts and professionals in this domain. Newgen, a contracting affiliate of Thomson Reuters, India, Legal produces and promotes these publications on their behalf across South East Asia.