Terrell On The Law Of Patents
- Year of Publication: 2019
- ISBN: 9780414075306
Now in its nineteenth edition, Terrell on the Law of Patents has been the authority on UK patent law for over 135 years. It provides the most detailed and authoritative commentary on law, practice, and procedure – comprehensively covering every stage from application to infringement. It includes advice on the fundamental aspects of patent law as well as more specialist issues such as FRAND, SPCs and licenses. The text is updated by a team of intellectual property specialists from Three New Square headed by Sir Colin Birss to provide you with dependable insight and expert analysis. Regularly cited in court and supplemented annually, Terrell continues to set the standard by which others are compared and is your essential reference on patent law.
Sweet & Maxwell, a Thomson Reuters business, with over 200 years of history and heritage in legal publishing, Sweet & Maxwell offers detailed and specialist knowledge, understanding, interpretation and commentary across a wide range of subjects. Our publications use a variety of formats to meet customers' needs including books, eBooks, journals, periodicals, looseleafs, eBooks and online services.
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- Year of Publication: 2019
- ISBN: 9780414075306
Now in its nineteenth edition, Terrell on the Law of Patents has been the authority on UK patent law for over 135 years. It provides the most detailed and authoritative commentary on law, practice, and procedure – comprehensively covering every stage from application to infringement. It includes advice on the fundamental aspects of patent law as well as more specialist issues such as FRAND, SPCs and licenses. The text is updated by a team of intellectual property specialists from Three New Square headed by Sir Colin Birss to provide you with dependable insight and expert analysis. Regularly cited in court and supplemented annually, Terrell continues to set the standard by which others are compared and is your essential reference on patent law.
Sweet & Maxwell, a Thomson Reuters business, with over 200 years of history and heritage in legal publishing, Sweet & Maxwell offers detailed and specialist knowledge, understanding, interpretation and commentary across a wide range of subjects. Our publications use a variety of formats to meet customers' needs including books, eBooks, journals, periodicals, looseleafs, eBooks and online services.